Our story

The story of Farouge

In 1989, Viviane Daaboul-Kallio moved to Finland from Lebanon escaping for war. What was to be a short visit, became a life journey.

Regardless of the war, weekend’s meant banquets at Viviane’s house with chicken being served on the table without exceptions. Such traditions and memories remain warm in Viviane’s heart and have been portrayed in Farouge. The name “Farouge” means “small rooster” in Lebanese and was chosen due to its suitability for Finns to pronounce. Moreover, Farouge represents the exoticism and internationalism to be served for the first time in the late 1990’s.

The story of Farouge began when the owners Viviane and Aki Kallio met

Sincere, considerate & personal

Viviane & Aki Kallio’s paths crossed in the Radisson SAS Hotel Kamppi, Helsinki in 1992. Aki worked as a chef whilst Viviane worked in the dining room of the hotel. A lovely Sunday walk led to the realisation of the limited food offer in the capital city. Such was the frustration, Viviane and Aki sat on their balcony where the story of Farouge began. Such was their desire to offer something new to Helsinki, Aki and Viviane served their delicate flavors to their colleagues which persuaded them to open a restaurant of their own. 

The first Farouge came in 1995 with only 24 seats in Mannerheim street. Such was the buzz of this new gourmet oasis, Farouge expanded to a new location in Yrjönkatu in the year 1997. After years of serving locals and foreigners, Farouge was to be closed in 2016 due to the property being sold. In 2019, Viviane & Aki joined forces with Nordic Hospitality Partners with a new, majestic, vibrant and gorgeous restaurant in Fabianinkatu 9. The ever-renewing Farouge opened its doors welcoming old a new guests.

Lebanese Restaurant Farouge serves a wide range of meat and vegetable dishes

Ethnic luxury and exotic taste

A concept of success was based in the “holy trinity”: Viviane’s out-of-the-ordinary ideas, Aki’s undeniable kitchen skills and Maggie’s (Viviane’s sister) valuable expertise in Lebanese cuisine. Courage, persistence and creativity are amongst Farouge’s success. Farouge is undeniably the jewel of Helsinki’s Lebanese food and dinner experience.

Welcome to a unique experience in the heart of Helsinki.

Come as friend leave as family!